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December 2018
TCAPSLoop Podcasts

Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy

Episode 69

It's a special TCAPSLoop Podematic Universe crossover event with the Bibliotech, Stephie Luyt, focusing on solutions in regards to "Digital Literacy." You can trust that this is a safe online space and your privacy won’t be hacked by listening to this episode.

click here for the TCAPSLoop Gift Guide
TCAPSLoop Gift Guide

Episode 68

You wisely avoided the riotous crowds of Black Friday and the internet Alibaba deep dives of Black Monday in anticipation for the TCAPSLoop Annual Gift Guide. Danelle's guide to gifts that you'll want to play with too.

click here for the ISTE Analyst Podcast

Episode 67

We've come to the end of our ISTE Standards for Educators journey and have discovered that the Analyst Standard is not referring to utilizing collected data as an educator but allowing our students to analyze, reflect and grow from their own student data. Giving the student ownership of their learning journey.

Social Media

Episode 66

The Facilitator Standard is the bun of the ISTE Standards for Educators sandwich; combining all the ISTE ingredients to make a delightful edtech snack for your students to bite into.

No Bad Books

Episode 5

Stephie stresses meeting the child were the are as well as supporting their interests through literature appropriate to the students ability to comprehend the story.

Winter WiredTC


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Traverse City Area Public Schools
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