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TCAPSLoop Podcasts

Failing to Fail
Failing to Fail

Episode 36

"We are supposed to learn from our mistakes but how can we learn if we are not allowed to make them?"

The Pod takes on "Failure" and it's importance in helping our students learn and grow. Please share your feedback on this topic.

click here for the Tech Essentials Podcast
Tech Essentials

Episode 35

Stephi and Danelle discuss the West Middle School "Tech Essentials" course that will focus on giving our students the necessary skills and awareness to succeed in a digital world safely and with purpose.

College Prep
College Prep

Episode 34

We are joined by Northwestern Michigan College Librarian, Ann Geht discussing necessary research skills for surviving that first year. This is a must listen for any parent, student or educator who knows someone that aspires to post-secondary education.

FlipGrid Podcast
Return of the FlipGrid

Episode II

Featuring Andy's take on "the Last Jedi", a review of the flipgrid app and a continuation of TCAPSLoop Weekly's discussion around Kids and Smartphones.

Kids and Smartphones Podcast
Kids & Smartphones

Episode 33

We tackle the current discussions around kids and digital device usage. Danelle and I share our thoughts and a few strategies to help parents and teachers.

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Traverse City Area Public Schools
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