Our Community

November 2015

Superintendent's Message

TCAPS Families, Staff and Friends,

In October, we learned that Courtade Elementary School was named a National Title I Distinguished School. (Go Cougars!) One of only two schools in Michigan to be awarded this honor, Courtade was selected due to their accomplishments to “Close the Achievement Gap.” Closing the achievement gap means that we are ensuring that the bottom 30% of students—a priority for the district—are receiving the educational support they need to succeed.

Courtade’s recognition is another important measure of success to add to TCAPS’ list of awards and accomplishments, including the Washington Post and U.S. News & World Report rankings that place TCAPS’ high schools among the top 5% in the state. These recognitions are the result of the hard work going on in our schools, from preschool through 12th grade, to close the achievement gap and prepare students for college and life after high school.

TCAPS is also actively involved in other national and state efforts to help every learner reach his or her academic potential. Traverse City Central High School has been selected as one of two schools in Michigan to be a Marzano Demonstration Model school, which means that CHS is receiving support to help close the gap between the top and bottom 30% of students and will serve as a model for other schools. TCAPS is also leading the way in the region by participating in the MI Excel Statewide System of Support program designed to help districts improve student achievement and get results quickly.

One of the key traits that we value as a district is a continuous improvement mindset. That means we will always seek to do better and we won’t rest in our quest to do the best that we can for our students, our families and our community. Our recent awards and ongoing work are proof of that commitment. Thank you to all of our hardworking staff, our engaged parents and our community of supporters who help make this happen.


Paul A. Soma
Superintendent Traverse City Area Public Schools

Follow me on Twitter @SuptSoma for updates about the great things happening in our schools.

Do You Know Your District?

Test your knowledge about TCAPS transportation in the questions below. Answers can be found at the bottom of the newsletter.


1. TCAPS buses transport over ____ students daily:

a. 100

b. 700

c. 2,300

d. 5,000

2. TCAPS has _____ buses in its fleet:

a. 100

b. 30

c. 10

d. 60

3. TCAPS buses run more than _____ different routes each day.

a. 14

b. 60

c. 32

d. 27

4. True or False: TCAPS received 100% passing rate for bus inspections from the Michigan State Police.

News and Events

Homelessness Awareness Week—Nov. 14th – 21st

November 14-21, 2015, is Homelessness Awareness Week. The Students in Transition Empowerment Program (STEP), a program administered by Traverse City Area Public Schools that provides free supportive, education-related services to students, ages 3-20, who lack fixed, adequate, regular housing, is working to raise community awareness about the issue.


In the Grand Traverse region alone, 300 students have already been identified as homeless since the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year. During the 2014-2015 school year, 540 students were identified as in transition and benefitted from STEP services. Learn more about the services STEP offers and how you can help here.



TCAPS Celebrates 26 Days of Thanks

In this year’s lead up to Thanksgiving Day, we have been highlighting a few of the great people, programs and opportunities that we are thankful for in TCAPS. There are so many reasons to give thanks! See today’s posts on Facebook and Instagram.



New Vending Machines at CHS Offer Healthy Alternatives

New vending machines being piloted at Central High School to offer healthy alternatives.


Having access to healthy food items and meals outside of the normal cafeteria operating hours just got a little bit easier. TCAPS has installed two new vending machines in the cafeteria at Central High School as part of a pilot program. The vending machines contain healthy food items that meet the same federal nutrition regulations as all other food sold in the school cafeteria. Sample items include: salads, yogurt, sandwiches, fruit, granola bars, etc. If the pilot program is a success, it could be expanded to other schools or buildings.



Strategic Financial Planning


TCAPS is currently going through a 3-5 year strategic financial planning process. The goal is to preserve TCAPS’ comprehensive student programming opportunities and advance educational priorities, such as updating curriculum materials, while remaining financially responsible with the community’s investment in its schools. During the first phase of the process, TCAPS is reviewing the cost of overhead expenses at three elementary schools with enrollment of less than 200 K-5 students. The objective is to identify resources that can be redirected back into educational programs. Learn More



Snow Day Frequently Asked Questions


A mild start to November means we have not had to think about snow days yet this school year. But, as we move into the winter months, it is a good time to refresh your knowledge about what goes into making the snow day call and where to find school cancellation information. Learn More



November Local Harvest of the Month: Winter Squash

Winter squash is in season and on the lunch menus at TCAPS! Our squash comes from Cherry Capital Foods and is primarily served roasted. Winter squash has a beautiful deep yellow-orange color, and is high in vitamins and minerals. Follow the links below for winter squash recipes made in our school kitchens.




TCAPS Calendar Reminders


  • November 19 - Board Coffee Conversation
       Topic: Closing the Achievement Gap
  • November 26-27 - No School, Thanksgiving Recess
  • December 23-January 1 - No School, Winter Recess 
  • 2015-2016 District School Year Calendar
Student Spotlight

Students of All Ages Write Letters to Veterans

Letters written to veterans by TCAPS students.


On September 26th, veterans from southwest Michigan flew to Washington D.C. as part of an Honor Flight put on by Talons Out, an organization which organizes flights for veterans to visit the memorials and monuments that honor our military’s service to the country.


Students from Blair Elementary School, West Middle School, and West Senior High School all participated in writing letters for the veterans to read during Mail Call. Mail Call is when family and friends send letters and cards prior to the flight, which the veterans then read while they are returning to Michigan. It is a touching way to let the veterans know that their sacrifices are still appreciated.


The idea to have students participate this year came when Roderick Ross and his wife Luan, both TCAPS teachers, got the idea to ask their schools to write letters since Ross’ father-in-law was among the Veterans who would be going on the trip.


“The students who took part actively shared about men and women in their lives who had served or are currently serving. They all took the project seriously and produced genuine quality,” said Ross, social studies teacher at West Middle School. “The response has been terrific. Students have really done a great job with this project.”

A local veteran with letters he received from TCAPS students.





Students Help Make Commission on Aging's Veterans Day Event Special

Veterans Day celebration held at the Civic Center.


Students from Eastern Elementary School made placemats to honor veterans and students from Central High School and West Senior High School provided musical entertainment at the Commission on Aging’s Veterans Day event held on Tuesday, November 10th.

Eastern Elementary School students made placemats for veterans to take home after their Veterans Day celebration.

TCAPS students provide musical entertainment during the Veterans Day celebration.



International School at Bertha Vos Students Take Action with UNICEF

Students raised additional money for UNICEF by having a cider and donut stand.


The first and second graders at TCAPS International School at Bertha Vos took action during one of their units of inquiry. The central idea was humans establish rights and responsibilities. During the line of inquiry of “we have rights,” students researched the rights of children. They decided as a class that they wanted to donate money towards UNICEF to help those children in need. In addition to Trick or Treat for UNICEF, the students wanted to raise additional money for the cause by having a cider and donut stand. They raised a grand total of $460.43! It was not only amazingly fun, but also a HUGE success!

Education in Action

CHS Students Get Into Science With Author Susan Casey

It started with TC Central High School teacher Kellie Spencer writing a grant to get money to purchase classroom sets of a new book by science writer Susan Casey. From there, it became an opportunity for students to engage with each other and the author to get into science. Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Lisa Johnson's AP biology students have teamed up to read the book and have online book discussions. The National Writers Series helped coordinate bringing Susan Casey to Central High School to talk to the students directly about her book, her writing and her adventures in science.


“It was a great experience to be able to bring the author of a book our students have been so engaged in reading and discussing into the classroom,” said Spencer. “We are thankful to the National Writers Series for helping to make it happen. To be able to talk directly to Susan Casey, ask questions and dive even deeper into learning was a wonderful experience for our students.”


Susan Casey will be the featured author at the National Writers Series tonight, November 18th, at 7:00 p.m., at the City Opera House. Tickets are available at City Opera House Box Office and discounted tickets available for TCAPS staff and students.

Partner in Education

UpNorthMedia Turkey Trot Presents “LEAP Under the Lights”

This year's LEAP Under the Lights will feature a pumpkin seed spitting contest and a turkey toss.


Looking to have a little fun before the big event? Join UpNorthMedia and TCAPS for “LEAP Under the Lights.” Turkey Trot participants are invited to pick up their race packets at Thirlby Field on Wednesday, November 25, 2015, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. While at the field, adults and children can enjoy some great food from Peegeo’s and take part in two on field contests: The Pumpkin Seed Spit Contest and the Turkey Toss. Prizes for adults and children will be awarded. To register, visit: www.tcturkeytrot.com.



Volunteers Needed for the Turkey Trot!

The Traverse City Turkey Trot is NEXT WEEK and is in need of more volunteers! Each year, hundreds of volunteers help make this race happen but this year the volunteer numbers are a bit short, especially on Thanksgiving Day.


Sign up to volunteer or learn more at: www.tcturkeytrot.com/volunteer. Volunteers receive a special long sleeve t-shirt and other perks including a volunteer appreciation party in December.


Non-profit volunteer groups (10 or more) are eligible for honorariums as part of the Turkey Trot’s Community Share program. Contact Laurie Anderson at laurie@evugo.com to register your non-profit group.



Flu Season is Here!

Influenza (Flu) can be a serious and life-threatening illness. Preventing it and protecting yourself and others is important. There are a variety of ways to do this:

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs like the flu.
  • Get vaccinated.

This information is courtesy of the Youth Health & Wellness Center, part of the Grand Traverse County Health Department.



TCAPS Partner In Education Program: An opportunity to support schools, teachers, programs, teams and clubs!


The TCAPS Partner In Education (PIE) program works to connect community members, businesses and organizations to our schools through sponsorships, financial contributions, in-kind donations or givebacks. Your sponsorship or donation can benefit the school, teacher, program, team or club of your choice. Sponsor space is available at all TCAPS schools, Thirlby Field stadium, electronically via our e-newsletter and new this year, the TCAPS Food Truck! Contact Karyn Hertel at 231-933-5654 / hertelka@tcaps.net or visit www.tcaps.net/PIE to learn more.



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Do You Know Your District Answers:

1. D - TCAPS buses transport over 5,000 students daily.

2. A - TCAPS has 100 buses in its fleet.

3. B - TCAPS buses run more than 60 different routes each day (60 morning routes and 69 evening routes).

4. True. TCAPS received a 100% passing rate on its 2015-2016 bus inspection. Only 83% of Michigan school buses passed inspection.

Great Community, Great Schools

In This Issue

Partners in Education


Copyright (c) 2015
Traverse City Area Public Schools
Contact Us: info@tcaps.net